Appendix C Online: Packages

A searchable table of packages covered in the book (and chapters where they first appeared) is available in the packages.html file or online at

Package, Chapter

cancensus, 4

corrplot, 12

corrr, 12

data.table, 4

dplyr, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13

DT, 12

dygraphs, 3

echarts4r, 18

esquisse, 6, 4

feather, 4

fivethirtyeight, 4, 12

forcats, 6

fst, 4, 15

geofacet, 9

gganimate, 9

ggiraph, 9

ggmap, 9, 11

ggparliament, 12

ggplot2, 6, 8, 9, 12

ggrepel, 9

glue, 11

googlesheets, 4

here, 7, 17

highcharter, 12

Hmisc, 5

hms, 13

hrbrthemes, 9

htmltab, 4

htmltools, 11

htmlwidgets, 3, 12

janitor, 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17

knitr, 15

leaflet, 11, 12

leaflet.extras, 11

lubridate, 10, 13

magrittr, 12

markdowntemplates, 15

metricsgraphics, 12

pacman, 2, 4, 5

pdftables, 14

plotly, 9, 12

psych, 5

purrr, 7, 11, 15, 16, 17

quantmod, 3

RColorBrewer, 9

readr, 4, 12

readxl, 4, 14

remotes, 4

rio, 2, 4

rmarkdown, 15

rmiscutils, 4, 12

rnoaa, 4

robotstxt, 16

rvest, 4, 16

scales, 15

sf, 11

skimr, 5

stringr, 12, 17

tabulizer, 14

taucharts, 12, 17

testthat, 10

tibble, 4

tidycensus, 11

tidyr, 14, 17

tidyverse, 2

tigris, 11

tmap, 11, 12

tmaptools, 11, 12

usethis, 5, 6

weatherdata, 4